The city of Quito, Ecuador rumbles awake.
Professionals like Jenny and her husband
Geovanny are drawn to the city's pulse and
promise. But, they soon realize the promise
was an urban mirage.
Their careers don't fulfill them. Obligations
choke out opportunities. Debts replace
dreams. Hope for a happier future fades into
the shadows.
Key statistics show their lives are echoed in millions
of other urban professionals.
Enter Church Ministries International (CMI),
establishing churches that extend the lifeline
of the gospel to urban professionals like Geo
and Jenny.
Invited by friends to La República Church in
Quito, the unchurched couple never anticipated
this encounter would pivot their lives.
Experiencing the active love of Jesus and
the vibrant community, they didn't just find a
lifeline, they discovered a home. In fact, Geo
& Jenny recently led a group of 150 believers
from another CMI partner church to plant a
daughter church on the northern edge
of Quito.