It’s a lot of work, but I love the way the tree glows from the inside out. For me it’s the picture of the heart of the Christmas story – light shining in the darkness!
Even in our secular-saturated culture, people sense something different in the Christmas season. It is a time filled with memories, wonder, and longing. And it is a time when hearts are particularly open to hearing the Good News of Jesus. That makes it an especially important time of for the evangelistic ministries of many churches – including our partner churches in Latin America.
May I ask you for a favor? When you see a beautiful Christmas tree this December, use it as a prompt to pause and pray for one of the many upcoming Christmas outreaches planned by our Latin American partner churches, or your own church.
I’ve listed below a few of the events our partner churches in Quito have planned. Pray…
- For the Holy Spirit to draw many to Christ.
- For boldness in sharing the gospel message.
- That Jesus would be glorified.
- That many would place their faith in Christ and follow Him.
Thank you! In this season of giving, we are grateful for the gift of your partnership with us in seeing the light of Christ shine in the great cities of Latin America.
In Christ,
Craig Murray
Executive Director
Church Ministries International
December Special Christmas Events in Quito
December 6-8
* Youth Neighborhood Evangelism (Norte Church)
December 13
* Christmas Celebration for Seniors (República Church)
* Christmas Celebration for Single Moms (República Church)
* Choir Concert at Hospital Voz Andes (Batán Church)
December 14
* Christmas Cantata at Ruminahui Coliseum (Chillos Church)
December 18
* Christmas Choir Concert at CCNU Mall (República Church)
December 19
* Christmas Choir at CCI Mall (Batán Church)
December 20
* Christmas Choir Concert (República Church)
* Choir Presentation at Quito Christmas Fair (Batán Church)
December 21
* Christmas Choir Concert (Puembo Church)
* Community-Wide Christmas Celebration (Norte Church)
December 22
* Special Christmas Services (All Churches)
* Presentation of Gifts to Families in Need (República)
December 29
* Special Year-End Celebration (Cumbayá)