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A New Season at CMI!
Discover more about the work I am doing at CMI and ways you can be part of this ministry!
You could say that missions runs in my blood. Both my grandfathers helped found Church Ministries International and advance an urban church planting movement in Latin America. So, I grew up hearing stories of these churches and their incredible impact.

My involvement in missions started with a youth missions trip at the age of 16. God used that experience in two powerful ways: 1) He ignited a desire to share the good news about Jesus around the world; and 2) He gave me a passion to facilitate transformational experiences like mine for others through church mission trips.

And after years of studying and serving in global missions, I'm more convinced than ever that local churches, both here and abroad, are critical to transforming lives for Christ. That is what leads me to serve with CMI.

The shift in global missions
Global missions is shifting and changing. For decades the leading methodology could be described as "the West to the Rest," but that is no longer the case. Instead, churches all over the majority world are taking leading roles. Particularly in Latin America, churches are having huge impact in their cities.
The importance of church partnerships
The churches CMI partners with have great openness to partnering with one another for global impact. They believe, like I do, that these cross-cultural ministry partnerships better their churches, deepen discipleship, and accelerate the spread of the gospel.
Cultivating mutually beneficial relationships
That is where my role at CMI comes in. My vision is to cultivate mutually beneficial relationships between Latin and North American churches for the flourishing of their communities and cities. These key partnerships can facilitate shared ideas and resources, and more importantly, they build meaningful and lasting relationships.
As Director of Church Relations, I serve as a bridge between church partners in Latin America and churches in the US. I help develop strategies to connect the needs and resources of these churches to strengthen their respective ministries and mobilize them to work together to spread the gospel in word and deed.
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3 ways you can partner!
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Discover the work CMI is doing in Latin America!