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Issue 17 - 2023
Jorge "The Roofer"
Jorge Moyano at the launching of
the Pusuquí Church.
Jorge is an amazing roofer, but not the kind you think. He's accustomed to being up high. Not on a roof, but in the boardrooms of important financial institutions.

By the age of 29, Jorge was already the VP of Finance for the largest credit card company in Ecuador.

Confident. Skilled. Sharp. He made sense of dollars and cents like few could. It came naturally to him and he was proud of it.

One day, Jorge was invited to hang out with a group of young professionals connected to the Batán Church in Quito. He made many new friends there and even met his wife Maria Gloria.

Through these friendships and bible studies, God was at work. It didn't take Jorge long to realize that everything he possessed and all he accomplished was due completely to God's mercy. He stopped trusting in himself and gave his life to Jesus.

In the years that followed, his financial career and his family grew. He and Maria Gloria had three children. But due to a terminal disease, they lost their second child at 15 months.

In the midst of this sorrow, God gave Jorge an unshakeable assurance of heaven, his salvation in Christ, and that he would one day be with his daughter again. That assurance forged a deeper commitment to God's Kingdom's work.

That commitment led Jorge to become the treasurer of a new church started by El Batán, the República Church.

With his help, República Church partnered with CMI to accelerate its development. CMI donors provided two-thirds of the funding. Jorge guided República to raise the rest—no small task for an urban church in the heart of the big city.

Since then, Jorge has used his financial skills to bless many other church-building projects. He personally helped provide resources to put roofs on several, earning him the nickname "Jorge The Roofer."

From his perspective, roofs provide shelter that allows a congregation to start gathering and developing the passion that strengthens and builds the church.

But for Jorge it's not about the concrete, bricks, windows, or roofs. It goes well beyond the physical structure. He's witnessed firsthand the changed lives, restored marriages, children leaving addictions, and healed families that are reshaping the landscape of the city.

"The Lord allowed me to develop these unique financial skills. It is my privilege to share them with the Church," says Jorge. "My family and I have been beneficiaries of the church planting CMI has done in Quito. Your generosity and partnership are a gift from God."


Gift's to CMI's VISION50 campaign will help fuel the next 50 years of planting churches and making disciples in Latin America's most influential cities. By partnering together, you've changed the forever future of over one million individuals who now belong to Christ.

Imagine the impact you can make in the next half century. Invest in VISION50 and make your impact.

50 years leading urban cities in Latin America to an Encounter with God
2023 marks the 50th anniversary of our urban evangelism and church planting movement in Latin America. In celebration, each Encounter Newsletter this year will highlight a different era of the journey.
The first "Lima to an Encounter with God" evangelistic campaign launches in the Lince Church in Lima, Peru.
Nov. 1973
The first Bible Academy classes begin to disciple the many new believers.
Pueblo Libre Church joins the movement and grows from 37 to 2,151 in seven years.
The Lima Encounter Bible Institute is formed to prepare new leaders for pastoral ministry and church planting.
50 members from Lince Church plants Miraflores Church.
Lince Church plants El Agustino Church.
5,600 people accept Christ in one year through the first four churches.
"The Bible Academy of the Air" radio broadcast launches to offer home Bible studies.

Craig Murray
A friend with a doctorate in church planting told me there are two types of church planting models.

The first you might call the "parachute" model. This is where a pastor is given initial financial support, basic training, and then "parachuted" into a new community where they build a church from scratch. Despite the popularity, it contributes to the reality that one third of new churches in North America do not survive beyond four years.

The second model is where a strong mother church plants a church in a nearby community. They send pastors, resources, and something more precious – a sizable portion of their own church members. They start as a fully-formed church. At CMI we call it "daughter" church planting. It takes more time and work but creates greater long-term stability.

Through 50 years, this approach has produced over 100 churches in the most strategic cities in Latin America. And while there may be an exception, we can't recall a single church in our movement that has closed its doors.

And it doesn't just lead to churches that survive; it leads to more churches thriving and planting more churches…

Churches like Norte Church in Ecuador, that recently gave birth to their first daughter church and our first great-granddaughter congregation in Quito.

Through this ever-growing family of churches – made possible through your prayers and support – generations of Latin Americans are experiencing the life-changing good news of Jesus. Thank you!

In Christ,

Craig Murray
Executive Director
Church Ministries International

Coming Events

February 2023 - July 2023
March 4-11
Fairhaven-Springboro Church (Ohio) Medical Mission Trip with Los Chillos Church (Quito)
Quito, Ecuador
April 26-27
CMI Spring Board Meetings
Plano, Texas
May 28 - June 3
Christian & Missionary Alliance General Council
Spokane, WA
June 24
Biblical Peacemaking Seminar
Manta, Ecuador
June 24 - July 1
Quito Lead Pastors Retreat / Shepherd's Heart
Quito, Ecuador
July 9-19
Puembo Church (Quito) Fairhaven Church (Ohio) Youth Mission Trip
Octuber 26 - 30
50 Year Anniversary
Lima to an Encounter with God
Partner trip tour celebration
Lima, Peru
More than a donation
Change lives, plant churches, and reach Latin America's largest cities with the hope of Christ.