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Issue 18 - 2023
From Teenage Adventure
to CMI Board Member
Stacey with her host Ana Maria in Quito, Ecuador.
Meet Stacey DiNardo, a CrossFit enthusiast, mother of two, wife of 24 years, and Executive Director of Ministries at Christ Community Chapel. She might seem like your everyday Ohio resident, but there's more to her story. When she first ventured to Vienna, Austria at the age of 17 to serve, she had no idea where the journey would take her.

Discover how this initial taste of missions ignited a passion that brought her to the CMI Board of Directors in 2021, and to Quito, Ecuador earlier this year.

You first heard about CMI as a staff member at Christ Community Church in Ohio. How did you go from that to becoming a CMI Board Member?
I love new things, and I love missions. Growing up with missionary family members, I've always felt called into ministry and missions. Joining the CMI Board was
another opportunity to see what the Lord is doing around the world and how I can join in. That was exciting to me.

Was there something particular that drew you to CMI?
Church planting. New churches being planted, supported, and strengthened is something I'm passionate about. Secondly, having the opportunity to learn more about Latin America was intriguing.

How has being on the CMI Board given you a new perspective regarding missions?
For me, it's CMI's strategy, hands down. I have seen a humble desire and heart to serve the people and cities through CMI's partner churches in Latin America. Being in church ministry myself and working with church leaders, I know the critical need for healthy leaders so supporting and equipping the pastors is strategic. In addition, innovations like the Seed Fund allow churches to multiply and reinvest the support we're giving them. CMI is a unique hub helping churches start and grow a strong foundation.

This year marked your first trip to Quito, Ecuador. What surprised you most?
The things we discussed in the board room burst into life. I visited all but one of the Quito churches. God has positioned every single church in a unique place in the city to reach those around them.

What happened with your host family in Quito?
Oh, my host family. This is definitely one of the biggest takeaways. They're part of the Puembo Church. Being with them, in their home, learning about their family, their
culture, laughing, and experiencing the joy and transformation they're extending to the
city was wonderful.

What stood out as you visited the various CMI partner churches in Quito?
Norte Church captivated me. They've sent some of their leaders to my church, Christ Community Chapel. So there's a relationship there. One thing that impressed me most was seeing Norte's associate pastor, Geovanny, and 150 members they sent out
to plant a new church. That's an incredible commitment to multiplication, sacrifice, and
serving others close to God's heart and His Great Commission.

What did you experience that you wish others could see, especially those from the
church in the U.S.?

These churches in Quito are passionate about not just reaching new people but about discipleship. Their Bible Academies are vibrant, robust, rich, and deeply impactful for the people in their churches. I believe that's important for multiplication. The baptisms at Cumbayá Church left an indelible impression on me. There was a testimony from one woman who had been kidnapped and another couple who almost lost their child. Through these the Lord reminded me that He is radically rescuing people's lives everywhere.

After visiting Quito, what would you say to a person who has never heard of CMI's

CMI is about strengthening and planting life-giving churches in urban centers in Latin
America. They are a vital hub for church health, church leaders, church buildings as home bases of ministry, and moving those things forward together in innovative ways.

How would you encourage CMI supporters and partners?

I wish we could have been in Ecuador together. Your support is enabling incredible work. The Lord is multiplying your generosity to have an even greater impact than you can imagine.


Gift's to CMI's VISION50 campaign will help fuel the next 50 years of planting churches and making disciples in Latin America's most influential cities. By partnering together, you've changed the forever future of over one million individuals who now belong to Christ.

Imagine the impact you can make in the next half century. Invest in VISION50 and make your impact.

50 years leading urban cities in Latin America to an Encounter with God
2023 marks the 50th anniversary of our urban evangelism and church planting movement in Latin America. In celebration, each Encounter Newsletter this year will highlight a different era of the journey.

PART 2: THE EXPANSION 1980 - 1991
The first Seminar on Urban Evangelism and Leadership (SUEL) takes place in Lima. 80 pastors from 9 Latin American countries attended.
Encounter with God expands to a second city in Peru, and to cities in Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Dominican Republic.
By the 10th Anniversary, Lima Encounter churches multiplied to 11.
Pueblo Libre opens new sanctuary with capacity for 2000 people.
The Encounter Movement begins in Quito, Ecuador with the construction of El Batán Church..
Bogota's Confraternidad Church purchases strategic property for construction for church facilities with a capacity for 1000 people.
The first Encounter with God churches starts in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Peruvian missionaries arrive in Caracas to help advance the Encounter work in Venezuela.

Craig Murray
A lot has changed in 50 years. In 1973, 7 of the top 10 companies in the world were car manufacturers or oil companies. Today, 7 of the top 10 are technology companies. 10 different US presidential administrations have come and gone. Baby boomers have gone from being students to retirees.

And that just scratches the surface. Changes in fashion, entertainment, technology, and even moral values now shift at lightning speed.

As such, finding something constant over 50 years is remarkable.

That is why I was so encouraged by the time I spent earlier this summer with Peruvian Pastor Yvan Rubio. Yvan is the new director of Lima to an Encounter with God - guiding 80+ churches in cooperative efforts to extend the gospel to a city of 11 million people. As a pastor in a world-class city, Yvan is familiar with constant change. But what struck me most as he shared was what remained constant.

50 years in and the Lima churches are still burdened to see the gospel transform their city. They still center their ministries in prayer, teamwork, and missions. They remain passionately committed to evangelism, discipleship, and church multiplication. In fact, Yvan told me that in Lima they see an average of 300 people a week make decisions to follow Christ!

As we celebrate 50 years of Encounter this year, we don't just mark what God did way back then. We mark what He continues to do to this very day.

History is filled with great spiritual awakenings. Very few last decades, and it remains constant only because of God's grace.

It is all His work. It is all to His glory. What a privilege it is to be His partners with you. Together we extend a spiritual awakening for as long as the Holy Spirit stirs the flames.

In Christ,

Craig Murray
Executive Director
Church Ministries International

Coming Events

June 2023 - October 2023
June 24- July 1
Quito Pastors Retreat and Workshop
Sheperd's Heart
Quito, Ecuador
July 9-19
Puembo Church (Quito) &Fairhaven Church (Ohio) Youth Mission Trip
Quito, Ecuador
August 12-20
Colombia Encounter Church Visits
Bogotá, Colombia
September 10
Christ Community Chapel
Global Outreach Sunday
Hudson, Ohio
September 18-22
International Pastor's Circle
Bogotá, Colombia
September 29- October 3
Crossroads Community Church
Missions Conference
Parker, Colorado
October 11-12
CMI Fall Board Meetings
Plano, Texas
Octuber 26 - 30
Encounter with God 50 Year Anniversary
CMI Partner Trip and Celebration
Lima, Peru
More than a donation
Change lives, plant churches, and reach Latin America's largest cities with the hope of Christ.