That summer of 2014 Nathan was heading to Quito, Ecuador with the student mission trip from Fairhaven Church in Dayton, Ohio.
Nathan had watched his older brother and grandfather—a pastor—go to Ecuador on a mission trip years before. His grandfather spoke often of his passion for missions and long-term friendships forged over the years.
Once in Quito, they'd partner with other youth from the Puembo Church. A table was lined with sign-up sheets to do construction, evangelistic outreach, crafts, or Vacation Bible School (VBS).
Nathan and his buddy Michael sauntered up to the table like any other cool 16-year-old and signed up for the construction team. He and Michael thought that sounded easy enough—except they signed up for VBS by mistake.
Nathan was alarmed to learn he would be upfront teaching and leading at VBS, not hammering and cutting at a construction site. Despite his trepidation, he pressed forward and found unexpected enjoyment in connecting kids to the Bible.
Following the trip, through conversations with his grandfather, Nathan felt a call to ministry. He served in various volunteer roles at his home church, Fairhaven, until 2 years later, when the opportunity to return to Quito, Ecuador came around again.
Nathan's second trip landed the summer between high school and college. This time, he led students from Fairhaven Church to see themselves as missionaries, first in Quito, and then back home in Ohio when they returned.
"I enjoyed mobilizing people towards a deeper way of living out their relationship with Christ," he thought.
As he left home for college, Nathan struggled to find the same joy in his relationship with Jesus. His doubts weren't with God but with himself. He began to see all the darkness inside of himself and the ways he fell short of who he wanted to be.
Finally, he asked, "Lord, do you really love me?"
Angry at himself, feeling numb, he distanced himself from God and His call on his life. "Like Jacob, I was wrestling with the goodness of God."
Then Jesus met him anew through the words of Paul in Acts 20:24 that leaped off the page in the middle of a class. 'However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of ttestifying to the good news of God's grace.'
"My life is meaningless if I'm not doing the work God called me to do" he confirmed.
Last summer, in 2023, Nathan joined Fairhaven on his third trip to Quito, Ecuador. This time, Nathan was a co-leader of the trip. It was a surreal, full-circle moment as he led students just like him a decade earlier.
Since that trip, Nathan has been taking steps to fulfill the call that Christ has given and confirmed to him on that trip - a call to become a missionary in Quito, Ecuador, and continue the work Jesus has put in his heart.
This year, Nathan joined the medical brigade from Fairhaven— marking his fourth trip to Quito.
From a grandfather to a grandson, from one generation of students to the next at Fairhaven, from Dayton, Ohio to Quito, Ecuador—the Lord of the harvest is faithfully extending his matchless love and grace through young and old.